Let’s Talk About Opioids
Your guide to Safe Use, Recognizing Overdose, to Treatment of Overdose and Addiction.

A Message from the medical director, Dr Matthew Schurter.
Twitter: @matthewschurter
Thank you for your interest in learning more about opioids and their potentially devastating effects when used improperly.
With increased awareness, a supportive environment at home and in the community, resources for reducing the incidence of opioid misuse, overdose, and death and effective treatment of addiction, together we can reduce the devastation from the opioid epidemic.
Please find some helpful resources and short videos.
Please note, this site is not designed to provide individualized medical treatment, but rather to provide education on the topic.
If you are at risk for opioid misuse, please reach out to those you trust, such as family, friends, community leaders, and your family doctor.
If you are in a crisis or there is a medical emergency, please call 911.
Thank you to our contributors! Wayne Rodrigues, Tristin Haines, Talia Beaune, Joanne Mattinson

Twitter: @matthewschurter
A Message from the medical director, Dr Matthew Schurter.
Thank you for your interest in learning more about opioids and their potentially devastating effects when used improperly.
With increased awareness, a supportive environment at home and in the community, resources for reducing the incidence of opioid misuse, overdose, and death and effective treatment of addiction, together we can reduce the devastation from the opioid epidemic.
Please find some helpful resources and short videos.
Please note, this site is not designed to provide individualized medical treatment, but rather to provide education on the topic.
If you are at risk for opioid misuse, please reach out to those you trust, such as family, friends, community leaders, and your family doctor.
If you are in a crisis or there is a medical emergency, please call 911.
Thank you to our contributors! Wayne Rodrigues, Tristin Haines, Talia Beaune, Joanne Mattinson

Reduce Exposure to Opioids
01Store opioids in a secure location |
02Take opioids only for the reason prescribed |
03Stop using opioids once acute pain diminishes |
04Return unused opioids to the pharmacy |
Reduce Risk of Overdose
Ontario Harm Reduction Network OHRN develops online learning opportunities in collaboration with community partners and Drug Culture Consultants. |
Planet Youth Preventing children and adolescents from the initiation of drug use. |
Kids Help Phone Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 national service offering professional counselling, information, referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support for young people. No matter what you want to talk about, we’re here to listen. No judgment, totally private, 24/7. |
Learn how to recognize an overdose and what you should use to reverse it.
Recognizing Opioid Overdose
Low/no breathing |
Can’t be woken up |
Confusion |
Blue lips |
Choking |
Small pupils |
Ontario Harm Reduction Network About Naloxone -Naloxone is a medication that temporarily counters the effects of opioid overdose. |
Moms Stop the Harm Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH) is a network of Canadian families impacted by substance-use related harms and deaths. |
Naloxone can temporarily reverse an opioid (e.g. fentanyl) overdose. Learn how use it.
Treatment of Overdose
911 |
naloxone |
Don’t be afraid to help. The Good Smaritian Drug Overdose Act can protect you from simple drug possession charges. |
Ontario.ca Search the map to find the closest pharmacy* or community organization where you can pick up a naloxone kit. |
KFL&A Public Health What to do in case of overdose. |
Carry It Toolkit – CMHA National |
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction Resources Related to the Opioid Crisis Across Canada, organizations … of a resource on this page does not imply endorsement or authorization by CCSA. |
CAMH: The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world’s leading research centres. |
TED Talks: The Harm reduction model of drug prevention treatment |
01Store opioids in a secure location |
02Take opioids only for the reason prescribed |
03Stop using opioids once acute pain diminishes |
04Return unused opioids to the pharmacy |
Reduce Risk of Overdose
Ontario Harm Reduction Network OHRN develops online learning opportunities in collaboration with community partners and Drug Culture Consultants. |
Planet Youth Preventing children and adolescents from the initiation of drug use. |
Kids Help Phone Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 national service offering professional counselling, information, referrals and volunteer-led, text-based support for young people. No matter what you want to talk about, we’re here to listen. No judgment, totally private, 24/7. |
Learn how to recognize an overdose and what you should use to reverse it.
Recognizing Opioid Overdose
Low/no breathing |
Can’t be woken up |
Confusion |
Blue lips |
Choking |
Small pupils |
Ontario Harm Reduction Network About Naloxone -Naloxone is a medication that temporarily counters the effects of opioid overdose. |
Moms Stop the Harm Moms Stop the Harm (MSTH) is a network of Canadian families impacted by substance-use related harms and deaths. |
Naloxone can temporarily reverse an opioid (e.g. fentanyl) overdose. Learn how use it.
Treatment of Overdose
911 |
naloxone |
Don’t be afraid to help. The Good Smaritian Drug Overdose Act can protect you from simple drug possession charges. |
Ontario.ca Search the map to find the closest pharmacy* or community organization where you can pick up a naloxone kit. |
KFL&A Public Health What to do in case of overdose. |
Carry It Toolkit – CMHA National |
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction Resources Related to the Opioid Crisis Across Canada, organizations … of a resource on this page does not imply endorsement or authorization by CCSA. |
CAMH: The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital and one of the world’s leading research centres. |
TED Talks: The Harm reduction model of drug prevention treatment |